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You're probably familiar with this situation: during the course of the day, you realize that you haven't really had much to drink. You've been busy at work or out and about and have hardly consumed any fluids. Now you want to make up for this lack of fluids. But instead of making up for all your water needs in one go, it would be much better to drink enough water throughout the day. IronMaxx® now offers you the perfect motivational aid for this: the practical Water Gallon! With this water gallon, the constant trip to the fridge or tap is a thing of the past. Our XL drinking bottle offers you plenty of space for 2200 ml of liquid and is super handy despite its volume. With the IronMaxx® Water Gallon by your side, your fluid intake will automatically increase. An absolute game changer!
The water gallon from IronMaxx® is a real premium product. It has undergone a high-quality manufacturing process with high-quality raw materials and is therefore extremely robust. In addition, the odorless water gallon does not take on a taste of its own, nor does it change the taste of the water. This is also due to the fact that it is completely free from BPA. Bisphenol A is a chemical compound that is often used for plastics. The problem with its use is that BPA can dissolve and enter the body. Many scientists predict negative health effects from this chemical compound. In addition to these features, the Water Gallon from IronMaxx® is equipped with a practical hand strap and a discreet milliliter display on the side up to 2200ml. It is rounded off by a wide ribbed handle that always gives you the grip you need.
Water is the key to health Drinking enough water is not only very important, it's vital. No wonder, considering that more than half of the human body is made up of water. There is an approximate guideline for the minimum daily requirement of water: 35 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight. Children and infants should consume even more fluid per kilogram of body weight. The fluid you consume then ensures that your blood can flow through your body. In this process, it transports nutrients to your organs, removes toxins from the body and helps you regulate your body temperature. As the human body can excrete water more easily than it can store it, it is necessary to compensate for the daily loss of up to 3 liters of fluid. Only then can all your bodily functions work properly. So, grab your water gallon and drink yourself healthy.