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Das Beste daran: Wir schenken dir nach bestätigter Anmeldung 5x Vegan Lava Bar - Chocolate Brownie Riegel zu deiner nächsten Bestellung.
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The unique Protein & Nut protein bar is a favourite with numerous customers and employees. Real, large pieces of nuts characterise it and make it a speciality on the market. In contrast to many competitor bars, the Protein & Nut from IronMaxx® does not just contain small pieces of nut, which get lost in the mass, but half or whole nuts, depending on the type of nut. These are combined with a delicious protein layer, a creamy paste and a crunchy chocolate coating to create an unrivalled overall product. As it should be with protein bars, this High Protein Bar scores with a high protein content. Depending on the flavour, you can consume up to 16g of protein with just one protein bar. The Protein & Nut is therefore a good snack to cover part of your daily protein requirement. There is no alternative to a sufficient supply of protein for muscle maintenance and muscle building. However, proteins not only contribute to maintaining and increasing muscle mass, but also to maintaining normal bones.
Recommended intake: Consume up to one bar daily.
Note: May have a laxative effect if consumed in excess. Proteins contribute to an increase in muscle mass. Do not use as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Contains sugar by nature.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
Sales Description: Protein bar with white maltitol chocolate coating, pistachio pieces and sweeteners.