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Welcome to IronMaxx®, the experts in high-quality sports nutrition and nutritional supplements. We proudly present the High Protein Muesli, which will put a smile on your face in the morning with its fantastic flavour. With high-quality nutrients, it provides your body with optimal nutrition and you can start the day with power!
This is how our popular protein muesli scores:
A varied and protein-rich diet is often a real challenge. Although vegetables, fish and meat offer a good selection of low-calorie and high-quality protein sources for lunch and dinner, these are out of the question for breakfast, especially for fitness beginners and conventional sports enthusiasts. Besides, it just gets boring after the hundredth scrambled egg. The low-fat quark has great nutritional values, but we all know that its flavour is less convincing. With up to 43g protein per 100g, high protein muesli is the ideal solution, as protein contributes to normal muscle function. With a maximum of 4.7g sugar per 50g, the product is significantly lower in sugar than conventional mueslis - making it ideal for dieting. In order to consume even fewer calories, fats and carbohydrates, it can easily be taken with water in addition to milk or plant-based milk alternatives.
Quick, easy and high in fibre
When developing our Protein Muesli, it was important to us to provide a product with plenty of important fibre. Per 100g, it provides you with up to 9.9g of fibre per 100g. We have also made it our mission to combine protein-rich nutrition with flavour, enjoyment and variety. It is the perfect choice for anyone who is looking for a balanced, protein-rich diet without compromising on enjoyment. Start your day with a good feeling!
Stir the desired amount of IronMaxx® Protein Muesli into water or chilled, low-fat milk (fat content 1.5%).
Basically, the increased protein requirement of a person depends on age, gender and training condition.
Keep out of reach of small children.
Care should be taken to ensure a varied and balanced diet as well as a healthy lifestyle.