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Are you looking for a tasty snack that not only tastes good but also provides your body with high-quality protein? Then these snacks are just the thing for you! With a high protein content of 40% and many other benefits, they are the ideal companion for you. Find out more about our unique High Protein Chips
Some reasons why you should try this delicious snack:
These protein bombs contain a whopping 40% high-quality protein, providing you with optimal support for your body and contributing to normal muscle function. Depending on the flavor, our potato chips contain up to 21% fiber. This not only ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety, but also promotes normal digestion. Unlike conventional potato chips, our potato chips are baked and not deep-fried. This means they contain significantly less fat and are therefore a better alternative. Even during a diet phase, you don't have to do without tasty snacks. They are low sugar and therefore contain very little sugar. Perfect for anyone who is watching their figure and still wants to enjoy the taste. We attach great importance to sustainability and environmental protection. That's why we use no palm oil in these potato chips. So you can enjoy our Protein Chips 40 with a clear conscience.
A special kind of taste explosion
This protein supplier is available for every taste - Cheese & Onion, Paprika, Hot Chili and many more. Each variety is unique and offers you a true taste experience. You won't even notice the lower sugar and fat content compared to conventional potato chips varieties and can sit back and relax during your next series marathon. Enjoy your favorite series with the perfect snack. No matter what the occasion, whether it's at home, on the train or as a snack at university, protein potato chips are the perfect choice. Try our different flavors now and find your personal favorite! IronMaxx® - We support you on the way to your goals!
Store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature below 25°C and humidity below 65%. Proteins contribute to an increase in muscle mass. A balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.