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You love your sport and want to get the most out of your training? Then our protein is just right for you! At IronMaxx® you will find high-quality whey protein powder for optimal support of your protein intake. With sufficient protein supply, proteins contribute to an increase in muscle mass and the maintenance of normal bones.
Our Whey Protein has a high bioavailability ensuring that proteins are optimally absorbed and utilized. It contains a high proportion of BCAAs (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine) – supplying your body with essential nutrients. Whey Protein can be quickly absorbed by your body, making Whey Protein Powder especially recommended shortly after training. At this time, your amino acid pool is depleted. It needs to be replenished as quickly as possible – This is essential for your muscles. The amino acid pool also depletes during sleep, so taking Whey Protein right after waking up makes sense. Our Whey Protein Powder contains important vitamins and minerals. Its low fat and carbohydrate content makes Whey Protein ideal for saving unnecessary calories. This way, you cover your protein needs even when you are in a caloric deficit.
There are three different types: Whey Concentrate, Isolate, and Hydrolysate. Each variant has its own advantages and suits different needs. Our 100% Whey Protein consists of up to 80% protein and is suitable for everyone. The Whey Isolate Zero, on the other hand, has a protein content of up to 87% and is also particularly suitable for people with lactose intolerance. It contains less than 1% fat and thus also supports a low-fat and conscious diet. Whey Hydrolysate is produced through a special process in which the protein chains are broken down into the smallest peptides. This makes it even more readily available and optimally absorbed by the body
Preparing Whey Protein is very simple. You can mix it either with milk or with water. In both cases, the powder dissolves excellently. If you prepare the powder with water, you not only save calories. Your body can absorb the proteins faster because they are not bound to milk. Our article "100% Whey Protein – Cookies & Cream" from 2021 was awarded the Gold Prize by the DLG. So what are you waiting for? Discover our Whey Protein offers now. Buying IronMaxx® Whey Protein will definitely pay off for you.