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Check out our selection:
Lifting belt for your spine
As soon as you get to the point in your training where heavy weights are used or you often do free exercises, for example, a weightlifting belt should be your constant companion. Thanks to its ergonomic padding in the lumbar region, it stabilizes the spine and can protect your body from injuries, especially in the lower back and intervertebral disc area. A real must-have for every weightlifter. Our IronMaxx® Lifting Belt is exactly the right choice!
Your individual powerlifting belt
No matter what size you need, we have just the right belt for you! Our IronMaxx® Lifting Belt is available in four different lengths from 90 to 120 cm. In addition, the double buckle can be fixed in eight different fastening holes and thus optimally adjusted to your waist circumference. In addition to the different sizes, the belt is also available in four different natural leather colors. Thanks to the high-quality workmanship of multi-layered genuine leather, this weightlifting belt is simply a robust and durable premium product.
Protect your back during sports
Back pain is a real widespread disease these days. In addition to heavy workloads and a lack of exercise in everyday life, excessive weight and incorrect exercise are major triggers. This makes it all the more important that you specifically stabilize your spine and prevent postural damage. Our IronMaxx® Lifting Belt helps you to do this so that you always remain stable in the gym, especially during free exercises. A really strong team!