Ornithine is produced by the hydrolysis of L-arginine
L-ornithine is considered a semi-essential amino acid. This means that your body can produce some ornithine itself. However, the body's own production is so limited that an external supply via dietary supplements is recommended. But how is ornithine actually produced? In the human body, the amino acid is produced during the urea cycle. Industrially, however, it is produced by hydrolysing the non-essential amino acid L-arginine. In the urea cycle, L-ornithine is formed from arginine by the incorporation of water in conjunction with the release of urea.
L-ornithine from IronMaxx® in capsule form
L-ornithine is a fairly popular supplement in the bodybuilding and fitness scene. An excellent choice is the ornithine from IronMaxx®. It is available in capsule form and is so well dosed that 2 capsules are enough to cover the recommended daily intake. With 2 capsules, you take a total of 1400mg L-ornithine hydrochloride. This corresponds to 1092mg pure L-ornithine.