Register Court: Amtsgericht Köln Register Number: HRA 35809
VAT-ID: DE815911112
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do not use the following account number for payment of purchase on account orders! The correct bank details will be sent by Klarna after the order in a separate email. Thank you.
Bank Information
Account owner: IronMaxx® Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG Account: 1900303742 Bank number: 37050198 Bank name: Sparkasse Köln Bonn BIC/Swift-Code: COLSDE33XXX IBAN: DE28370501981900303437
Account Holder: IronMaxx® Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG
Account: 0503522500
Bank Code: 37040044
Bank: Commerzbank
IBAN: DE27370400440503522500
You can reach our customer service for questions, complaints, and grievances at: Phone: +49 (0) 2233 / 7191-0 and by email at service[at] For inquiries, you can also use the contact form on our website.