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Minerals are nutrients that are needed by the body to regulate metabolic processes. They take over the task of building and control substances in the organism and have a significant influence on the water balance. A life without minerals is therefore not possible. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to absorb a sufficient amount through the food, because the human organism can not produce them themselves. Minerals are found throughout the body, found in teeth, bones, muscles and blood. They build, strengthen and repair. In close collaboration with the vitamins, minerals are involved in the production of neutro-transmitters. Neurotransmitters are messenger substances that enable nerve impulses and create connections between the brain, nerves and all organs. In their dissolved liquid form, known as electrolytes, they are responsible for a well-functioning digestion and a smooth metabolism. In addition, minerals have a beneficial effect on muscle growth, which makes them so interesting for athletes. During the muscle building phase, the minerals help to optimize the metabolism and thereby ensure a well-functioning protein synthesis. Due to the increased loss of perspiration during exercise, many minerals are flushed out of the body, but the body needs a sufficient amount of minerals, especially during training for important metabolic processes. Often, only a small amount of minerals is added to the daily diet. In the industrial processing of foods, many minerals are lost, for example when peeling and polishing rice or blanching vegetables for preserves. All these factors can quickly lead to a shortage of minerals, to meet this shortcoming, fast action is required. This can be particularly simple due to the supply of minerals in capsule form. They provide all the vital substances that the body needs to stay healthy and strong.
With the IronMaxx Mineral Complex Capsules, just four capsules per day provide sufficient body nutrition with all the essential minerals.