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Casein Protein, alongside Whey Protein, is probably the best-known form of protein. Like Whey Protein, it contains many essential amino acids. Moreover, Casein boasts a very high protein content of up to 70% and has high bioavailability, making it easier for the body to utilize the proteins. The unique feature of Casein is that it ensures a long-term supply of protein. For this reason, its intake is especially recommended before bedtime, to provide the body with optimal amino acid supply throughout the night. Hence, Casein is often referred to as Nighttime or Overnight Protein. Post-workout, one can also leverage the benefits of Casein by combining it, for example, with a Whey Protein. Casein Protein is suitable for both strength and endurance athletes who want to cover their increased protein needs, thus laying the perfect foundation to achieve their training goals.