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Kapseln mit Linolsäure
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In addition to competitive athletes, who are constantly trying to optimise their performance, reduce their fat percentage and increase their muscle mass, today's ideal of beauty also demands defined and toned muscles. Both men and women automatically associate a low body fat percentage with greater fitness and quality of life. However, achieving this is a particularly difficult task. The combination of an intensive fitness programme with a calorie deficit is only the basic requirement. Because if you eat little but train a lot, you can quickly end up with an inadequate supply of nutrients. A drop in performance and muscle wasting are the result. If you demand so much from your body, you should give it exactly what it needs! With the practical Softgel CLA capsules from IronMaxx®, with a concentration of 4800mg linoleic acid per recommended daily dose, you get a real all-rounder. The various effects of linoleic acid are perfectly suited for training success in the diet and definition phase.
Conjugated linoleic acids are among the essential fatty acids, i.e. the body cannot produce them itself, but is dependent on a regular supply through food. Since the fatty acid is involved in many important processes in the body, the demand can increase additionally with heavy physical exertion. Each IronMaxx® CLA capsule contains only pharmaceutically pure linoleic acid in the highest concentration of 4800mg per daily serving. When the supply of conjugated linoleic acid is sufficient (10 g or more per day), it contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. CLA by IronMaxx® is perfectly suited for people who have been on a low-fat diet for a long time or athletes on a low-fat diet.
Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules 3 times a day (6 capsules in total) throughout the day with the three main meals.
Notes: The stated recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded! Do not use food supplements as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
Storage: Keep out of reach of children.
Sales Description: Food supplement. Conjugated Linoleic Acid capsules.
Conjugated linoleic acid |
4.8 mg |