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Das Beste daran: Wir schenken dir nach bestätigter Anmeldung 5x Vegan Lava Bar - Chocolate Brownie Riegel zu deiner nächsten Bestellung.

DJ, music producer, and fitness junkie from Cologne. I've been living in Cologne for about 6 years now, and I've been heavily involved in fitness for about 7 years.
I was already a DJ. Now, I'm trying to build a career in the music industry as a DJ and music producer, where my unique selling proposition is to become the "Fittest DJ in the world." Building my brand, ISEK, is my primary focus.
Meine Lieblingsprodukte sind 100% Whey (vor allem Salted Caramel, Milk Chocolate und Spekulatius), ZORN Booster, LAVA Bar - Cookies & Cream und Krea7.