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Das Beste daran: Wir schenken dir nach bestätigter Anmeldung 5x Vegan Lava Bar - Chocolate Brownie Riegel zu deiner nächsten Bestellung.

Hello, my dear ones, my name is Svenja, I am 33 years old. I have always been passionate about sports. Until the age of 25, my passion was in equestrian sports. In 2015, I joined the gym and achieved success relatively quickly. Since 2017, I have been training competitively with ambitions for competitions. I completed my first bikini class competition in autumn 2017. Over the past years, I have been able to build quite a bit of muscle, so the switch to the wellness class in 2021 was relatively clear. The sport has tremendously boosted my self-confidence.
the wonderful IronMaxx family since 2018, and based on my experience, I can highly recommend the products listed below.
Das 100% Whey Protein (Salted Caramel) verwende ich seit Tag eins täglich in meinem Porridge, EAA's Zero (Wildberries) während dem Training, Creatine und Glutamine gehören u.a. zu meinen täglichen Supplementen dazu. Meine absoluten „süßen“ Favoriten ist der Protein & Nut Riegel „Peanut Caramel“ und die Protein Cream „White Chocolate.