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Das Beste daran: Wir schenken dir nach bestätigter Anmeldung 5x Vegan Lava Bar - Chocolate Brownie Riegel zu deiner nächsten Bestellung.
My name is Joel, I am 30 years old and come from Bochum. I have been doing strength training for just over 10 years. What fascinates me about this sport is the flexibility in training. You can tailor the training 100% to your preferences, making it very diverse.
adopted a healthy, varied diet. But in this sport, you not only shape the body but also the mental strength and character!
My absolute favorites from IronMaxx® are the 100% Whey Protein in the flavor Strawberry Vanilla, the Imperius® Cookies & Cream, and the Fitness Muesli Apple Cinnamon for a protein-rich start to the day.