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BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids. BCAAs are composed of three essential amino acids: Isoleucine, Valine, and Leucine. Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet. Proteins crucial for muscle building are made from amino acids, making it vital to provide a sufficient amount of amino acids, especially BCAAs. A deficiency in amino acids prevents muscles from utilizing their full growth potential. BCAAs are also attributed with an anti-catabolic effect, helping preserve muscles even in a calorie deficit, such as during a diet. A major advantage of BCAA supplements is their immediate availability post-ingestion. Their breakdown starts in the stomach; they don’t need to be metabolized by the liver first, allowing the body to directly nourish muscle tissue. The intake of carbohydrates or fats is unnecessary when BCAAs are administered in their isolated form. The special feature of IronMaxx's BCAAs is their combination with the non-essential amino acid Glutamine. Glutamine positively influences protein synthesis, thus aiding in muscle building. Glutamine benefits muscle maintenance post-workout, supports the immune system, and thus enhances muscle healing processes. For BCAAs to be most effective, they should be taken 40 minutes before training. As protein stores are depleted during training, it’s crucial to replenish these stores and meet the increased BCAA demand post-workout. BCAA supplementation is therefore recommended not just for strength or endurance athletes, but for anyone wanting to maximize their training output, as BCAAs play a key role in muscle building and thus training success.