ZENITH 50 Proteinriegel (16x45g) - Brownie Chocolate Crisp

Preis 31,84 €
Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
44,22 € / 1 kg
Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
Sofort lieferbar


Das IronMaxx Versprechen

  • Sicherer & schneller Versand mit DHL
  • 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
  • Ausgezeichnete Qualität
  • Kauf auf Rechnung (30 Tage)
  • Oder in bequemen Raten
  • Viele weitere sichere & einfache Zahlungsarten


  • The protein bar from IronMaxx® with the highest protein content: the ZENITH® 50 High Protein Bar!
  • The best recipe from perfectly complementary protein sources
  • Our protein bar consists of 50% high-quality proteins, so you get 23g of protein per 45g protein bar!
  • A quick and easy intake of protein (protein contributes to the maintenance and gain of muscle mass)
  • No more than 0.9g sugar per bar and therefore ideal for both bulking and dieting phases
  • Many delicious flavours such as Cookies & Cream and Brownie Chocolate Crisp!
  • Delicious whole milk or white chocolate covers a creamy protein layer (refined with crispies depending on the flavour)
  • Gluten-free and therefore ideal for people with an intolerance!

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Zenith 50% High Protein Bar - Taste the Difference!

The 100g bar Zenith® of IronMaxx® is characterised by the maximum protein content of 50% and minimal carbohydrate content ! Thus, this protein bar is a very practical and indispensable source of protein , for anyone who wants to keep a protein-rich diet on the go . The Zenith® bar IronMaxx® is your ideal protein supplier in every situation! Not just during the day, at work or during leisure Zenith® is suitable as a protein bar for in between. Athletes especially benefit from the 100g bar before, during or after training. Because the contained milk protein is rich in all amino acids and has a particularly high biological value. The contained protein in maximum concentration (50%!) Contributes to an increase and to maintain the muscle mass ! In addition to the unusual protein mixture of animal and vegetable protein sources Zenith® captivates with its delicious taste and is therefore not only interesting for athletes. Even if the cravings strike again at non-athletes, the high protein bar, due to its low fat content is a tasty alternative to traditional chocolate bars.


Zenith Protein Bars: With only 3% net carbs per bar!

Conventional bars often have 10-20 times more sugar (net carbs) and just one third of the protein content of this protein bar. Zenith® convinces with only 3% Net Carbs . Net Carbs are carbohydrates with a big impact on blood sugar levels. A large part of the carbohydrates contained in Zenith® are so-called sugar substitutes or polyols (polyvalent alcohols). In recent years there has been much discussion as to whether sugar substitutes should be included in the total carbohydrate content. This would increase the carbohydrate content, which is very important in a low carbohydrate diet. Robert Atkins himself - quasi the inventor of the low- carbohydrate diet - is of the opinion that polyols are not to be counted against the daily carbohydrate balance. That's why the Zenith® is a great option, especially in the weight-loss and definition phase, to provide the body with high-quality protein and low-carbohydrate carbs without sacrificing a tasty bar.

The contained protein carries

- to an increase in muscle mass
- to maintain muscle mass

Keine Fragen
Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur eingeloggte Benutzer Fragen stellen können.


Proteine tragen zu einer Zunahme an Muskelmasse bei. Eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtig. Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren.

MILCHeiweißmischung (Calcium CASEINAT,MOLKENeiweißkonzentrat (MILCH), MOLKENeiweißisolat (MILCH)), Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Kollagenhydrolysat, MaltitvollMILCHschokoladenkuvertüre (13%) (Süßungsmittel (Maltit), Kakaobutter, VollMILCHpulver, Kakaomasse, Emulgator (Lecithin (SOJA)), natürliches Vanille-Aroma), SOJAeiweißisolat, SOJAeiweiß Nuggets (5%) (SOJAeiweißisolat, Kakao (10%), Tapiokastärke), Palmfett, Kakaopulver (2%), Aroma, Inulin, Salz, Süßungsmittel (Sucralose), Emulgator (Lecithin), Antioxidationsmittel (DL-alpha-Tocopherol).

Kann Spuren enthalten von EI und SCHALENFRÜCHTEN.

Nährwerttabelle und Inhaltsstoffe:

Pro 100 gPro 45 g
Energie 1534 kJ / 365 kcal 690 kJ / 164 kcal.
Fett 9,9 g 4,4 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 5,7 g 2,6 g
Kohlenhydrate 29 g 13 g
davon Zucker 1,4 g 0,6 g
Eiweiß 50 g 23 g
Salz 0,56 g 0,25 g

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