IronMaxx 100% Vegan Protein Zero - Sunny Banana 500g | zuckerfreies und proteinreiches Eiweißpulver aus 4 Komponenten | veganes Proteinpulver ohne Aspartam

Preis 19,90 €
Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
39,80 € / 1 kg
Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
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  • 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
  • Ausgezeichnete Qualität
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  • Our IronMaxx® Vegan Protein Zero (vegan protein powder) is extremely high-dose and therefore the perfect supplement for your vegan, protein-rich everyday life!
  • 4-component protein including pea protein, rice protein concentrate, carob seed protein and hemp protein for a balanced, plant-based protein intake
  • Provide your body with up to 74% protein per 100g of vegan protein powder (proteins contribute to maintaining and increasing muscle mass)
  • Best vegan protein provides the perfect basic supply for your muscle building and muscle maintenance!
  • IronMaxx® Vegan Protein Zero available in many different, delicious flavors
  • Extremely low sugar content (sugar-free in 100 ml ready-to-eat drink) and therefore also suitable for dieting phases!
  • Vegan protein powder with optimum solubility for a super creamy protein drink, even without milk
  • Preparation recommended with water for fewer calories, but also possible with milk (vegan milk: soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, etc.)
  • Vegan protein powder with excellent aminogram incl. all BCAAs & EAAs!

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The best vegan protein powder with 4 vegan components

Vegan Protein Zero - A marvel among vegan protein powders

Probably the most popular dietary supplement in the weight training and fitness sector is protein powder. The main ingredient in classic protein powder is whey protein, which is unsuitable for a vegan diet. We got to the bottom of this problem and created a protein for all vegans alongside our classic whey protein: The IronMaxx® Vegan Protein Zero. It is characterized by a 4-component formula. With our best vegan protein powder, you consume pea protein, rice protein concentrate, carob seed protein and hemp protein for a plant-based and balanced protein supply. Thanks to an innovative edge, we have managed to avoid the sandy drinking experience of conventional vegan protein powders and instead achieve a fine but creamy consistency, which is also achieved by preparing with water.


Full taste experience despite zero sugar

When developing IronMaxx® Vegan Protein Zero, our aim was to create a vegan and at the same time sugar-free protein powder that also has an excellent taste. We have succeeded! The best vegan protein is available in many different, incredibly delicious flavors and is also completely sugar-free (in 100ml ready-to-eat drink). Our vegan protein powder also scores points with its high protein content (high protein with up to 74% protein per 100g). Protein contributes to maintaining and increasing muscle mass as well as maintaining normal bones. Customers, producers and employees alike rave about the outstanding taste of this vegan protein powder. This best plant-based premium protein has not only won over vegans. In addition to preparing protein shakes, it is also perfect for delicious vegan high protein recipes and protein snacks.

Veronika Haberl, Team IronMaxx

"What do you look for in a good protein powder? High protein, zero sugar, taste, solubility? With 100% Vegan Protein Zero I can reassure you, because IronMaxx® has created a vegan miracle here. Full marks in all disciplines and a clear recommendation to buy. Not just for vegans!"

Vegan lifestyle !

A vegan lifestyle not only makes an important contribution to solving environmental problems, but can also help prevent many common diseases. In addition to animal proteins, we have therefore recently started offering alternative vegan (protein) products. Many studies and statements by renowned institutions recommend a balanced vegan food supply for a healthy diet (exceptions: Vitamin B12 and vitamin D are not sufficiently absorbed through a vegan diet and should therefore be supplemented). We are increasingly offering you a larger selection of vegan products from IronMaxx® to suit every lifestyle and diet.

Keine Fragen
Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur eingeloggte Benutzer Fragen stellen können.

Zubereitung und Verzehrempfehlung: 30 g Pulver (ca. 3 gehäufte Esslöffel) und 300 ml kaltes Wasser in den Mixbecher geben und 20 Sekunden lang schütteln. Trinke 1 – 4 Portionen täglich, um die angegebene positive Wirkung zu erzielen. Empfehlenswert ist der Verzehr vor dem Sport oder Wettkampf, unmittelbar nach dem Training und vor dem Schlafengehen.

Hinweise: Proteine tragen zu einer Zunahme an Muskelmasse bei. Eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtig. Füllhöhe technisch bedingt.

Lagerung: Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren.

Verkehrsbezeichnung: Instantpulver mit Protein und mit Süßungsmitteln zum Herstellen eines Sportgetränks. Geschmack: Banane

Eiweißmischung (93,7%) (Erbseneiweiß, Reiseiweißkonzentrat, Johannisbrotkeimlingseiweiß, Hanfeiweiß), Aroma, Verdickungsmittel (Guarkernmehl, Xanthan), Säuerungsmittel (Äpfelsäure), Bananenpulver (0,3%), Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Stevioglycoside), Trennmittel (Tri-Calciumphosphat), Farbstoff (Riboflavin), Meersalz.

Kann Spuren enthalten von GLUTEN,EI,SOJA und MILCH.

Nährwerttabelle und Inhaltsstoffe:

  Pro 100g Pro 30g
Energie 1671kJ / 396 kcal 501KJ / 118 kcal
Fette 6,7 g 2,0 g
   davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,4 g 0,4 g
Kohlenhydrate 6,9 g 2,1 g
   davon Zucker <0,5 g <0,5 g
Protein 73 g 22 g
Salz  3,4 g 1,0 g

Aminosäuren pro 100g:


3482 mg


6172 mg


 5234 mg


3951 mg


3966 mg


2609 mg


814 mg


652 mg


12996 mg


8224 mg


6487 mg


3108 mg


3496 mg


3328 mg


2983 mg


2800 mg


1811 mg


1151 mg

*Essentielle Aminosäuren