LowCal Syrup Zero beverage concentrate - zero sugar & maximum flavor
Make 100 liters of refreshing drink from 1000ml of beverage syrup!
The LowCal Syrup Zero from IronMaxx® is a high-quality beverage concentrate that has been specially developed for sporting activities. The syrup is sugar-free and low in calories in the ready-to-consume drink and is therefore particularly suitable for diet phases, but of course also for any other diet plan. The special thing about LowCal Syrup Zero is that it is available in many different delicious flavors. Try Cola, raspberry, cherry, multi-fruit, woodruff, and lemon-lime, and find your favorite! The beverage syrup is of high quality and has a pleasant fruity, but not too sweet flavor. Preparing a delicious refreshing drink is quick and easy. Use the supplied measuring cup and dilute 4ml of concentrate with 400ml of water and you can enjoy your healthy alternative to sugary drinks! The best thing is that the Zero drink syrup is extremely economical with a mixing ratio of 1:100. You can mix a whole 100 litres of ready-to-drink beverage from one 1000ml bottle!
L-carnitine in combination with minerals and vitamins
The first-class drink concentrate from IronMaxx® not only scores with its irresistible flavors, low calories, and zero sugar but also with its powerful content. You consume a whole 22mg of L-carnitine per 400ml drink. Numerous athletes and recreational sportspeople swear by this amino acid when it comes to burning fat. LowCal Syrup Zero also provides you with important minerals and vitamins. The drink concentrate helps you to cover your daily requirement of magnesium, niacin, thiamine, vitamin B6, and biotin.
Verzehrempfehlung: Verdünnen Sie 4 ml Konzentrat (verwenden Sie den mitgelieferten Dosierbecher) mit 400ml Wasser. Kurz umrühren. Trinken Sie 1-4 Portionen (je 404 ml) täglich, je nach sportlicher Belastung.
Warnung: Getränkekonzentrat nicht unverdünnt verzehren. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden! Nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche sowie gesunde Lebensweise verwendbar. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern lagern!
Lagerung: Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren.
Verkehrsbezeichnung: Getränkekonzentrat zur Herstellung eines zuckerfreien Getränkes. Mit Vitaminen und Süßungsmitteln. Geschmack: Kirsche.