The Low Calories Sports Drink! Less than 1 kcal per 100 ml drink!
With the production of the Low Calories sports drink , IronMaxx® has succeeded in developing a unique beverage concentrate! With less than a kilo calorie per 100 ml of ready-made drink, the Low Calories Sports Drink is your ideal low-calorie fluid supplier for every occasion. In addition, especially athletes and active people of all ages benefit from the extraordinary combination of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals .
With valuable vitamins and minerals
To ensure an ideal vitamin and mineral supply, IronMaxx® has enriched the Low Calories Sports Drink with a valuable vitamin and mineral mixture. The added vitamins B6, B12 and B3 contribute to a reduction of fatigue and fatigue , but also ensure a normal energy metabolism . In addition, the Low Calories sports drink from IronMaxx® has been optimized with L-carnitine . Especially athletic people and athletes of all ages can benefit from the high-quality L-carnitine contained in the Low Calories sports drink from IronMaxx®.
Available in 12 different flavors!
Pineapple, woodruff, multi-fruit or any other flavor? - No problem. IronMaxx® Low Calories Sports Drink Concentrate is available in 12 stimulating flavors . Just pick your favorite and enjoy a unique taste experience. In addition, you benefit from an optimal mixing ratio . It can be mixed from just a liter of beverage concentrate about 50 liters of low calorie sports drink.
The contained niacin carries:
- contribute to a normal energy metabolism - to reduce fatigue and fatigue
The contained vitamin B6 carries:
- contribute to a normal energy metabolism - to a normal protein and glycogen metabolism at - to reduce fatigue and fatigue
The contained vitamin B1 carries:
- contribute to a normal energy metabolism
The contained vitamin B12 carries:
- contribute to a normal energy metabolism - to reduce fatigue and fatigue
Verzehrempfehlung: Verdünnen Sie 4 ml Konzentrat (verwenden Sie den mitgelieferten Dosierbecher) mit 400ml Wasser. Kurz umrühren. Trinken Sie 1-4 Portionen (je 404 ml) täglich, je nach sportlicher Belastung.
Warnung: Getränkekonzentrat nicht unverdünnt verzehren. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden! Nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche sowie gesunde Lebensweise verwendbar. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern lagern!
Lagerung: Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren.
Verkehrsbezeichnung: Getränkekonzentrat zur Herstellung eines zuckerfreien Getränkes. Mit Vitaminen und Süßungsmitteln. Geschmack: Cola.