IronMaxx 100% Whey Protein Pulver - Apfel Zimt 500g Beutel | zuckerreduziertes, wasserlösliches Eiweißpulver aus Molkenprotein | viele verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen

Preis 19,90 €
Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
39,80 € / 1 kg
Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
Sofort lieferbar


Das IronMaxx Versprechen

  • Sicherer & schneller Versand mit DHL
  • 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
  • Ausgezeichnete Qualität
  • Kauf auf Rechnung (30 Tage)
  • Oder in bequemen Raten
  • Viele weitere sichere & einfache Zahlungsarten


  • Our whey protein is extremely high-dose and therefore the perfect dietary supplement for your protein-rich everyday life!
  • Provide your body with up to 80% protein per 100g protein powder (proteins contribute to maintaining and increasing muscle mass)
  • The optimal basic supply for your muscle building and muscle maintenance!
  • Unrivalled taste in many different flavours, high solubility without lumps
  • Preparation of the protein powder recommended with water instead of milk so that you don't consume any unnecessary calories
  • Low sugar and therefore also suitable for dieting phases in addition to bulking phases!
  • Best protein powder with excellent aminogram incl. BCAAs & EAAs!
  • According to commercial use without preservatives, also aspartame-free (sweetened with stevia and sucralose)
  • Excellent quality and outstanding value for money!

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Whey Protein - Why is the protein shake so special?

Are you looking for a whey protein that optimally supports your muscles and helps you achieve your sporting goals? Then IronMaxx®, your partner for high-quality sports nutrition, is the right place for you!

The facts at a glance:

  • High proportion of BCAAs and EAAs
  • Low in sugar
  • Whey protein shake with fast nutrient absorption
  • No preservatives and aspartame-free
  • The protein shake with water also has an unbeatable flavour
  • Very high solubility
  • Up to 80% protein

Whey Protein Shake - low in calories and rich in nutrients

Our whey protein is an absolute must-have for strength and endurance athletes. Why? It's simple: our 100% whey protein consists of up to 80% high-quality proteins and therefore provides your body with optimal nutrition.

The Whey Protein Shake is particularly suitable as a post-workout shake thanks to its high bioavailability. Your body can absorb the ingredients particularly well. As a result, your muscles are optimally supplied with the important amino acids. We attach great importance to quality and therefore avoid unnecessary additives such as preservatives and aspartame.

Mix protein powder with water or milk

We are unbeatable when it comes to taste - each of our many flavours is convincing across the board.

But how do you prepare the perfect whey shake? It's very simple! You can prepare our protein shake with water, but also with milk. Both variants have their advantages. If you want to save calories, we recommend preparing the whey shake with water. This allows your body to absorb the proteins even faster as they are not bound to the milk. And the best thing is: no matter which option you choose, our whey protein always dissolves perfectly and there are no annoying lumps.

At IronMaxx® we attach great importance to quality and a good price-performance ratio. So you can be sure that you are getting a product that delivers what it promises.

The Whey Shake is an absolute must-have for you. So what are you waiting for?

Check it out for yourself!

* The IronMaxx® product "100% Whey Protein - Cookies & Cream" was awarded the Golden Prize by the DLG in 2021.

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Zubereitung und Verzehrempfehlung

50g Pulver (ca. 4 gehäufte Esslöffel) und 250ml kaltes Wasser in den Mixbecher geben und 20 Sekunden lang schütteln.

Trinken Sie bis zu 4 Portionen täglich. Empfehlenswert ist der Verzehr vor dem Sport oder Wettkampf, unmittelbar nach dem Training und vor dem Schlafengehen.


Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren. Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren. Proteine tragen zu einer Zunahme an Muskelmasse bei. Eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtig.

MOLKENproteinkonzentrat (96%) (Molkenprotein (MILCH), Emulgator (Lecithine)), Verdickungsmittel (Xanthan), Zimt (1%), Apfelstücke (1%), Aroma, Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Steviolglycoside).

Kann Spuren enthalten von SOJA, LUPINE, GLUTEN und EI.

Nährwerttabelle und Inhaltsstoffe:

Pro 100gPro 50g
Energie 1631 kJ / 386 kcal 832 kJ / 193 kcal
Fette 6,8 g 3,4 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 3,8 g 1,9 g
Kohlenhydrate 7,2 g 3,6 g
davon Zucker 6,4 g 3,2 g
Protein 74 g 37 g
Salz 0,76 g 0,38 g

Aminosäuren pro 100g


4440 mg


8140 mg


6734 mg


4144 mg


2442 mg


4810 mg


1480 mg


1332 mg


12580 mg


7844 mg


2072 mg


3996 mg


3848 mg


3552 mg


1332 mg


2220 mg


1406 mg


1628 mg

* Essentielle Aminosäuren