IronMaxx 100% Whey Protein Pulver - Cookies & Cream 10 x 30g Beutel | zuckerreduziertes, wasserlösliches Eiweißpulver aus Molkenprotein | viele verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen
Do you have a long day at the office, are traveling on vacation or have lots of appointments away from home and still don't want to go without protein for too long? Then we have just the thing for you! Our practical 30g samples of the bestseller among protein powders, 100% whey protein, are compact and ideal for on the go. Simply pour the entire contents of the pack into your shaker or blender with 150ml of liquid, shake for 20 seconds and enjoy your creamy protein shake. With the 30g samples of whey protein from IronMaxx®, you can get to know 3 new and exclusive flavors: Banana Toffee, Blondie Brownie and Strawberry Butter Cookie! Which one is your favorite?
100% Whey protein - high protein with no ad+ded sugar
Many whey protein products on the market have a comparatively high sugar content, which means they are not ideal for dieting. This is why many fitness fans opt for sugar-reduced alternatives before the summer to achieve their beach figure. The 100% Whey Protein from IronMaxx® stands out here. In addition to an exceptionally high protein content of up to 22g per 30g sample, this protein powder is characterized by a low sugar content. The protein powder is naturally low in sugar. What's more, no additional sugar has been added to the bestselling product.
Creamy consistency even with water
The 100% Whey Protein from IronMaxx® not only impresses with its creamy consistency in milk or milk alternatives, but also in water. A combination with water has advantages. You avoid excess calories and fats, which is particularly beneficial during diet phases. Another outstanding feature of this protein powder is its high solubility, without any residue. Despite the low sugar content, the low calories and fats and the use of water instead of milk, our creamy whey protein shakes offer a unique taste experience. Get the practical 30g samples for on the go and the 100% whey protein in pouch or can form for your protein supply!
Verzehrempfehlung und Zubereitung: 30 g Pulver (1 Sachet) und 150 ml kaltes Wasser in den Mixbecher geben und 20 Sekunden lang schütteln. Empfehlenswert ist der Verzehr vor dem Sport oder Wettkampf,
unmittelbar nach dem Training und vor dem Schlafengehen.
Lagerung:Vor Wärme, Feuchtigkeit und Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren.
Hinweis: Proteine tragen zu einer Zunahme an Muskelmasse bei. Eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche
Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtig.
Verkehrsbezeichnung: Molkeneiweißkonzentrat zur Herstellung eines Sportlergetränkes. Mit Süßungsmitteln. Geschmack: Keks und Sahne.